Hawthorn Leather

WARNING:  Do not take hawthorn if you are taking prescribed heart medication or if you are pregnant.


Ripe hawthorn berries

Water (half the volume of berries)

You will also need:

A coarse sieve


Simmer berries gently in water for 15 minutes, then allow to cool.

Using a blender or potato masher, blend the mixture, loosening the pulp from the seed.

Rub through a coarse sieve.

Pour strained liquid into baking trays, filling to no more than 1/2 centimeter deep.

Place in the oven on its lowest setting or put into a dehydrator if you have one.

Leave until the mixture is dry and leathery - you can tell if it's done if it can peel off the the tray without it sticking.

Cut into 2cm squares

Store in airtight jars.

Eat 1 square a day.


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